
Dobsonian telescope

Thông tin thêm

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Thời gian giao hàng

30 ngày



Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm:

1.OTA(primary mirror):135mm aperture,1100mm focal length,f/8.1,precision mirror with diffraction limited resolution,higherreflectivity coating
2.Mounting system: Dobsonian style mount with orarlised white finish
3.Mirror cell: Stability treated die-cast Aluminum, Provide better and stable alignment
4.Focuser:2″metal focuser with 2″-1.25″ adaptor,and Helical Rack & pinion
5.Thị kính:1.25″KF 25mm and Plössl10mm
6.Barlow:1.8x achromatic Barlow
7.Finder: Red Dot Finder with 30mm clear window and adjustable brightness control
8.Packaging Size: 105x48x32.5cm
net weight:22kg
gross weight:24kg

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Cuộc điều tra: DOB1100135

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