Anatomie virbereet Slides

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Microscope slides (Anatomy)

25 selected microscope slides with anatomy samples in a wooden box.

1 Simple flag epithelium,w.m.

2 Stratified flat epithelium, sec.

3 Dense comective tissus,rattit,w.m.

4 Loose eonnective tissue,rattit,w.m.

5 Skeletal muscle,l.s.

6 Skeletal muscle,c.s.

7 Smooth muscle teased preparation,w.m.

8 Cardiac muscle, sec.

9 Motor neurons,w.m.

10 Wall of the stomach, sec.

11 Small intestine,c.s.

12 Artery, sec.

13 Vein, sec.

14 Ciliated epithelium, sec

15 Lymph node, sec.

16 Testis, sec.

17 Ovary, sec.

18 Sperms, human, smear.

19 Oral cavity mucous membrane

20 Human blood, smear.

21 Frog blood smear.

22 Tongue,l.s.

23 Pancreas,sec.

24 Trachea,c.s.

25 Lungs,sec.


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